To force clear the reservation, you have to use Clear-ClusterDiskReservation cmdlet and specify the number of the disk. Clone Disk Image with Virtual Media Manager.

(typically the hard disk) might have failed to initialize the necessary hardware. Step 3: Then navigate the Skyrim directory, which is usually present in the C Drive – Users – Your Name – Documents – My games. You can revert the status by unlocking the account. But when I get to step 4, type in clean and press Enter, I get a message saying: “There is no volume Open the Disk Management utility through the start menu. Step 2 Find the uninitialized hard drive. Clicking the triangle on the right and select the Scratch Disk Size. Use the "Properties" command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file. IM-Magic Partition Resizer has the ability to initialize disk with ease, so follow the steps below to perform disk initialize when other solutions failed: Step1.
If you run disk show -v it will tell you if you have software disk ownership enabled. Remove Missed Virtual Disks from VirtualBox.
To install the necessary packages, from a terminal prompt enter: sudo apt update sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system. Wait until the process is complete and check if the “the request failed due to a fatal device hardware error” is gone.

Disk initialization failed because the disk is locked.